Office and commercial cleaning, how to request it?

Offices and places with a lot of people traffic are exposed to germs and bacteria. In order to keep the space clean and safe, and to avoid illness, areas should be cleaned at least twice a day. Learn how to request office cleaning services.

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Nothing is more important for the reputation of your business than a good impression. At Prada Contract Services we care a lot about our clients.  When we are on their sites, we dust, clean, and vacuum every area so that there are no distractions due to clutter. Our employees do not throw away or move anything without prior approval from our clients, we ensure that all your items are safe and in a clean space.

Offices and places with a lot of people traffic are exposed to germs and bacteria. In order to keep the space clean and safe, and to avoid illness, areas should be cleaned at least twice a day according to the latest government guidelines. And one of these two should be at the beginning or end of the day.

It is very common for people to eat, sneeze, cough, touch surfaces, or spill food in these areas. There is no doubt that these spaces are prone to germs.

To remove dust, we recommend using a damp microfibre cloth on surfaces. Before doing so, all papers, files, calendars, or any objects that may interfere with thorough cleaning should be moved. We recommend special attention to hard-to-reach areas such as behind desks, fans, windows, or even the tops of computers.

The key tip is to work from the top-down, starting with the upper areas so that if any dirt falls off, it can then be vacuumed up. With the hoover, alternate settings and brushes must be used so that every surface can be vacuumed.

If your company does not usually do the cleaning. At Prada Contract Services, we can do it for you.

  • When you ask Prada Contract Services to provide cleaning services for your business, we initially set up a meeting to allow access to the cleaners. A responsible cleaning company complies with the safety instructions of its clients. In this first meeting, the cleaners are introduced to you and the passwords or keys for access to the premises are handed over.
  • Before the cleaning starts, we define together the hours that are most convenient for the clients. Usually, early morning or late evening schedule is chosen. In most cases, we choose a time when the client’s working day is already over.
  • Cleaning usually involves vacuuming all areas, mopping the floor, removing dust, and emptying waste material. During this process, client privacy and data protection are fully respected. Other common areas such as toilet and kitchen areas are also cleaned and it is ensured that there is no cross-contamination of any area. If soap or towels are missing, they are restocked.
  • It is possible that your business will generate large amounts of waste. Especially if you operate within the Hospitality Industry (Learn how to identify the types of waste in the Hospitality Sector). In this case, you will also require a waste collection service provider in order to engage with the current legislation.

In some locations, together with the client we agree risk assessments and cleaning schedules.

These processes may vary from client to client and we adjust any procedure to the particular needs of each client. Therefore, we recommend planning in advance a cleaning schedule that does not disrupt the flow of things.


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